Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Say Cheese!


This photo was taken when my friend and I went to Langihan for our photo shoot (She's the one toting a camera.)

Have a nice day! =D

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Crowd at PPA


Taken at a sunday afternoon at Philippine Ports Authority. This is going to Magallanes.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Durian Season is here!


It's business as usual here in Butuan, but people in Luzon area have been battling it out with Typhoon Ondoy. My condolences for the people who lost their love ones and their properties. If you want to help please click this link for info.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

DOST Fair at Dottie's Place


DOST or Department of Science and Technology held a week long fair at Dottie's Place that ended last Friday. Next stop will be-- Davao City.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Saturday, September 12, 2009



This is a kinilaw. Kinilaw or Ceviche is a dish made of seafood that is cooked without fire, using only lime, vinegar. There are many varieties of kinilaw here in the Philippines. This particular kinilaw was made using fresh tuna fish, ginger, cucumber, onion, vinegar, sugar, chilli and japanese mayo. Yeah. Mayonnaise-- and it was heavenly. As heavenly as a raw fish could be hehehe.

Kinilaw is usually best eaten at the beach but any place will do.

Food prepared by my friend Joanne. If you want a recipe for kinilaw (not this one exactly) you can follow this link.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A view from the top


A view of Montilla boulevard late at night.

You can see the lack of traffic at this time of the day. It may not look busy but some people are still out on the streets.

Thanks Tin!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Balancing Act


I find it funny how the passengers on both sides were talking as if they were at a bench on the park. Complete with hand gestures. Nonchalant.

Taken at Nasipit highway.

This is one of the forms of public transportation here in the Philippines that we call, skylab.

My other skylab post.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sweet Camote


I took this boiled sweet potato at the beach yesterday. It's a Filipino beach food! (It is isn't it?) Together with kinilaw, sinugbang baboy and isda (grilled pork and fish), and lechon. Drool. Boiled camote was an acquired taste for me-- it does taste great with the grilled pork!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lake Mainit


In our brief stop at Almont lakeside resort, we used the opportunity to take a lot of photos of Lake Mainit.

As I mentioned in my previous post two days ago, lake mainit is the fourth largest lake in the Philippines. And it is also the deepest.

There are four municipalities bordering this body of water namely: Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte, Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Alegria,Surigao del Norte, Jabonga, Agusan del Norte. We are looking at the lake from Kitcharao's perspective. The vantage point of Agusan del Norte that Butuan is a part of.

Lake Mainit is well know for its abundance of fishes, and some are rare like puyo and gabot.

As hadv kindly reminded me, lake mainit got its name from a hot spring that pours into the lake. They called the spring "Mapaso" (scalding or can scald) and the water because it is hot, mainit (which means hot).

For more info about Lake Mainit you can click here and here.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Goat 2 geder


Montalban Street. Back of Gaisano mall.

It seems to be an unlikely name for a hotel and restaurant but Goat2geder is gaining the reputation of being the place to stay in Butuan.

It started as a small fastfood (?) selling mostly dishes made from goat at its previous location at Doongan-Ambago. Today its one of the hottest hotel and restaurant in the city (despite the name he he he). I can't vouch for taste of the goat dishes but I hear its good, if not the best.

It's one of the hotspots in the city.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Almont Lakeside Hotel- Kitcharao


In between Butuan City and Surigao City is a small resort called, Almont Lakeside Resort and Hotel. It's overlooking the famous Lake Mainit.

Lake Mainit is the fourth largest and the deepest lake in the Philippines.

Kitcharao, Agusan del Norte
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