I want to post something different for today's post. Something abstract but not quite.
For anyone who's game I have a few questions for you:
1. What was I riding when I took this picture?
I have a few hints. It's one of the least expensive ride in Butuan. I think it runs from 5 to 6 pesos per trip for each passenger.
But in Manila it's the opposite. I dare say that because when you consider that the route for this ride is limited (short distance of travel only), it's not that comfortable, and the overhead shouldn't cost that much the asking fare of the drivers is quite steep!
For Butuanons(this should be easy):
2. Where was I when I took this picture?
I don't have any prizes to offer- just some moments to take away the boredom (mine).
Photo taken June 7 at 6.30 PM.
are you riding the tricycle?
(if im correct, i have to admit to cheating by looking back through previous posts.)
either way, eerie, interesting photo.
this shot is so shaky.. you need to upgrade lenses with image stabilization feature...
Hi Tammie! My blog missed you. Hehe. I will accept your answer. The correct term is actually trisikad. But tricycle also applies since this mode of transportation has three wheels =) Thanks for seeing the photo as I meant it to. Eerie and more interesting than it actually was. Hahahaha.
Digital dreamspace-- thanks for your thoughts on this photo.
1. trisikad
2. outside the walls of the Capitol, Imadejas side
And if I got both right, you can disqualify me because I am a Butuanon hehe :)
i thought you were in one of the motorcycle driven carts with three wheels that carry passengers around and are very, very loud. The photo does have the eery and deliberate look to it.Thanks for your comments on the Phoenician and Camelback Mountain series on my site.
Supergirlhero-- Tumpak! You're not disqualified because only Butuanons or people familiar with Butuan landmarks can answer the question. =)
Julie--You are right! Except that this is not a motorcycle but is powered by human legs =) I don't have the patience for painting my feeling which is kinda dark so I compromised by playing with the exposure and putting the ISO in its lowest, 80. I have more photos from this that are more abstract but I decided not to post them because people might think I've gone loco. ;)
This looks like something for a horro movie poster, obviously well done.
Thank you kind sir =) I'm putting the glamour (horror) in riding a trisikad. ;-)
Superhero girl-- and since you are quite specific about your answer-- on the second question I will give you a reward. Name it! (haha basta virtual stuf lang) hehehe
it's a trisikad. as to where it is, no idea. hahaha...
hehe may 1 point ka dong! =) hehe
I don't know where that is in Butuan City but I would have guessed 'trisikad' for the first question, too.
Buenos Aires Photo
Ly, I will take a raincheck on the prize and will collect when I see you :D
wala jud nako na remember 2ng imadejas though familiar jud sya nako
i know trisikad to sya..
tga butuan pod ko
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